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Netus AI

Netus AI


Fine-tune paraphrasing with your own voice while bypassing plagiarism & AI detection. Integrate cutting-edge technology for efficient, high-quality content generation. Upcoming features: plagiarism checker & multilingual support.

More Details About Netus AI

Fine tune NetusAI's paraphrasing tool with your own voice style. Advanced features such as active language, variations in grammar, and human-like writing style help to ensure nothing changes in the original meaning, tone, and style but you get well-written content that won't fail any plagiarism or AI detection tests.

Integrate NetusAI's technology into your own systems and workflow so you don't waste time learning something from scratch.

  • One-click paraphrasing or summarizing ensures hassle-free experience.
  • Suitable for all kinds of creators
    - Netus AI writer helps many types of creators in the digital space.
  • 10x faster content generation for those who need efficiency without compromising quality.
  • Unlock AI-driven content, providing a competitive edge in content marketing.
  • Generate original, high-quality content in minutes
  • AI detector and AI bypasser functionality built in.
  • Choose from various paraphrasing models to fit your needs, ensuring undetectable rephrasings and natural sentence structures. Stay ahead of plagiarism detectors with a 99.97% success rate.

Coming up: an integrated plagiarism checker and multilingual support for all major languages.

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The includes an advanced image analysis, automation of Img Alt text creation, language support expansion (Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Catalan, Dutch, Italian), and a Chrome extension designed for a simplified content management process.

CopywritingFreemium is a customized plugin specifically designed for WordPress/WooCommerce platforms, aimed at automating the process of generating product text and meta descriptions. This plugin offers the convenience of creating text for individual products or multiple products simultaneously. It seamlessly integrates with WordPress/WooCommerce, guaranteeing a user-friendly experience, especially for beginners. stands out in producing top-notch, SEO-friendly meta titles, meta descriptions, product descriptions, and Open Graph texts. It provides the flexibility to choose between ' Single' and ' Bulk' modes to optimize efficiency in generating content. Moreover, there are no limitations on the number of users or web shop installations per account, allowing for unlimited usage and scalability.

Copy AI

Copy AI


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